Origen Commentary on Matthew Book X
Now it is manifest that these things were said to the disciples from
that which is prefixed to His words, "And seeing the multitudes He
went up into the mountain, and when He had sat down His disciples came
unto Him; "[33]
Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XI
I... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians
and once more, "Blessed are the poor, and those that are persecuted
for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of God."[20]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book II
to lead a philosophic life. But, on the other hand, it blesses "the
poor; "[51]
Clemen... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
Conquer ye their harsh temper by gentleness, their passion by
meekness. For "blessed are the meek; "[75]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book IV " He adds further: "And they
reach abodes fairer than those, which it is not easy, nor is there
sufficient time now t... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III
This, therefore, the Word of God was made, recapitulating in Himself
His own handiwork; and on this account does He confess Himself the Son
of man, and blesses "the meek, because they shall inherit the
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book V
inherit, but i... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria Who is the Rich Man that Shall Be Saved?
How? "In spirit." And again, "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst
after the righteousness of God."[20]
Tertullian On Fasting
How unworthy, also, is the way in which you interpret to the favour of
your own lust the fact that the Lo... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book IV
And He[52]
Cyprian Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews
Also in the same place: "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall
obtain mercy."[354]
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book II
Let him also be merciful; for again it is said: "Bl... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
As, therefore, when that which is perfect is come, we shall not see
another Father, but Him whom we now desire to see (for "blessed are
the pure in heart: for they shall see God"[110]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
The prophets, then, indicated beforehand that... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book I
And nutriment is received both by bread and by words. And truly
"blessed are the peace-makers,"[15]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book IV "Blessed, then, are the
Clement of Alexandria Who is the Rich Man that Shall Be Saved? " But
do you se... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book IV
Our holy Saviour applied poverty and riches, and the like, both to
spiritual things and objects of sense. For when He said, "Blessed are
they that are persecuted for righteousness' sake,"[23]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book IV "Blessed are they," says He,... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian Of Patience
If the tongue's bitterness break out in malediction or reproach, look
back at the saying, "When they curse you, rejoice."[89]
Tertullian Of Patience
When, however, He says, "Rejoice and exult, as often as they shall
curse and persecute you; for very great is your reward in... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
Thus, too, [she passes through an experience] similar to that of the
ancient prophets, as the Lord declares, "For so persecuted they the
prophets who were before you; "[493]... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book I
Spiritual substance, again, they describe as having been sent forth
for this end, that, being here united with that which is animal, it
might assume shape, the two elements being simultaneously subjected to
the same discipline. And this they declare to be "the salt... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
But He is the Creator, who does also through Christ prepare lights in
the world, [namely] those who believe from among the Gentiles. And He
says, "Ye are the light of the world; "[78]
Tertullian On Idolatry
are a light of the world,[124]
Tertullian On the Appare... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book I "No one lighteth a candle, and
putteth it under a bushel, but upon a candlestick, that it may give
light to those who are regarded worthy of the feast."[28]
Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics
He used Himself to tell them that a candle was not usually... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book II
That God is the Creator of the world is accepted even by those very
persons who in many ways speak against Him, and yet acknowledge Him,
styling Him the Creator, and an angel, not to mention that all the
Scriptures call out [to the same effect], and the Lord teache... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
For by His advent He Himself fulfilled all things, and does still
fulfil in the Church the new covenant foretold by the law, onwards to
the consummation [of all things]. To this effect also Paul, His
apostle, says in the Epistle to the Romans, "But now,[546]
Cleme... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book I
, or one tittle, shall by no means pass away until all be
Clement of Alexandria Exhortation to the Heathen
I could adduce ten thousand Scriptures of which not "one tittle shall
pass away,"[101]
Hippolytus Refutation of All Heresies Book VI
There... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians
It is good to teach, if he who speaks also acts. For he who shall both
"do and teach, the same shall be great in the kingdom."[109]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book II
He is the Gnostic, who is after the image and likeness of God, who
imitates God as far as... [ Continue Reading ]
Dialogue of Justin
For He exhorted His disciples to surpass the pharisaic way of living,
with the warning, that if they did not, they might be sure they could
not be saved; and these words are recorded in the memoirs: `Unless
your righteousness exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall
not... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book II
Moreover, this impious opinion of theirs with respect to
actions-namely, that it is incumbent on them to have experience of all
kinds of deeds, even the most abominable-is refuted by the teaching of
the Lord, with whom not only is the adulterer rejected, but also t... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
and, "he that is angry with his brother without a cause, shall be in
danger of the judgment."[208]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
), used to express Himself thus: "But I say unto you."[560]
Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book II
And if "he that calls h... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
For by the gift both honour and affection are shown forth towards the
King; and the Lord, wishing us to offer it in all simplicity and
innocence, did express Himself thus: "Therefore, when thou offerest
thy gift upon the altar, and shalt remember that thy brother h... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III " Dicunt itaque ex iis
quemdam, cum ad hostram virginem vultu formosam accessisset, dixisse:
Scriptum est: "Da omni te petenti: "[20]... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book I
They affirm that for this reason Jesus spoke the following
parable:-"Whilst thou art with thine adversary in the way, give all
diligence, that thou mayest be delivered from him, lest he give thee
up to the judge, and the judge surrender thee to the officer, and he
c... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian A Treatise on the Soul
Moreover, as often as the soul has fallen short as a defaulter in sin,
it has to be recalled to existence, until it "pays the utmost
Tertullian On the Resurrection of the Flesh
which will exact the very last farthing?[276]
Cyprian Treatise VIII O... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
But I say unto you, That every one who hath looked upon a woman to
lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III
prius exclamavit ante conjunctam Domini in Novo Testamento vocem, quae
dicit ex... [ Continue Reading ]
First Apology of Justin " And, "If thy right eye offend thee, cut it
out; for it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of heaven
with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into everlasting
fire." And, "Whosoever shall marry her that is divorced from another
husband, committeth adultery.... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book III
Accordingly, the Lord very summarily cures this malady: "If thine eye
offend thee, cut it out,"[127]
Genuine Acts of Peter of Alexandria
For when his hypocrisy was laid bare, immediately using the
evangelical sword, "If thy right eye offend thee, pluc... [ Continue Reading ]
Shepherd of Hermas Commandment Fourth " And I said to him, "What then,
sir, is the husband to do, if his wife continue in her vicious
practices? "And he said, "The husband should put her away, and remain
by himself. But if he put his wife away and marry another, he also
commits adultery."[3]
Theoph... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
And, "It hath been said, Thou shalt not forswear thyself. But I say
unto you, Swear not at all; but let your conversation be, Yea, yea,
and Nay, nay."[154]
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book VI
He who made a law for swearing rightly, and forbade perjury, has... [ Continue Reading ]
First Apology of Justin
And with regard to our not swearing at all, and always speaking the
truth, He enjoined as follows: "Swear not at all; but let your yea be
yea, and your nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
He says: "Swear not at... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
Further, also, concerning Jerusalem and the Lord, they venture to
assert that, if it had been "the city of the great King,"[36]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
,] that there is one King and Lord, the Father of all, of whom He had
previously said, "Neither shalt... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book III "And none other," says
the Lord, "can make the hair white or black."[26]
Tertullian On the Apparel of Women Book II
For, whatever is wont to be burned to the honour of the unclean
spirit, that-unless it is applied for honest, and necessary, and
salutar... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics
Moreover, they remembered the words): "Let your communication be yea,
yea; nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than this cometh of evil; "[289]
Tertullian On the Flesh of Christ
Light is light; and darkness, darkness; yea is yea; and nay, nay;
"whatsoever... [ Continue Reading ]
Tertullian An Answer to the Jews
demonstrates? For the wont of the old law was to avenge itself by the
vengeance of the glaive, and to pluck out "eye for eye," and to
inflict retaliatory revenge for injury.[53]
Tertullian On Exhortation to Chastity
So, too, "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth,"[31]... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III
For if He did not truly suffer, no thanks to Him, since there was no
suffering at all; and when we shall actually begin to suffer, He will
seem as leading us astray, exhorting us to endure buffering, and to
turn the other[350]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
B... [ Continue Reading ]
Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book III " And He says: "If any
one strike thee on the one cheek, turn to him the other also; and if
any one take away thy coat, hinder him not from taking thy cloak
Tertullian Of Patience
unless he be a man likewise to offer to one who takes away h... [ Continue Reading ]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
so that we may not grieve as those who are unwilling to be defrauded,
but may rejoice as those who have given willingly, and as rather
conferring a favour upon our neighbours than yielding to necessity.
"And if any one," He says, "shall compel thee [to go] a mile,... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Barnabas
Thou shalt not hesitate to give, nor murmur when thou givest. "Give to
every one that asketh thee,"[266]
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III
Carpocratis autem justitia, et eorum, qui aeque atque ipse impudicam
prosequuntur communionem, hoc modo dissolvitur; simul enim ac d... [ Continue Reading ]
Cyprian Treatise IX On the Advantage of Patience
For if ye love them which love you, what reward shall ye have? do not
even the publicans the same? And if ye shall salute your brethren
only, what do ye more (than others)? do not even the heathens the same
thing? Be ye therefore perfect, even as you... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians
and potentates, and princes, and for those that persecute and hate
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III
the long-suffering, patience, compassion, and goodness of Christ are
exhibited, since He both suffered, and did Himself exculpate those who
had mal... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians
Wherefore "He makes His sun to rise upon the evil and on the good, and
sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust; "[22]
First Apology of Justin
But seek ye the kingdom of heaven, and all these things shall be added
unto you. For where his treasure is, th... [ Continue Reading ]
First Apology of Justin
But I say unto you, Pray for your enemies, and love them that hate
you, and bless them that curse you, and pray for them that
despitefully use you."[23]
Athenagoras A Plea for the Christians
the Father with the Son, what is the Spirit, what is the unity of
these three, the... [ Continue Reading ]
Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians
of whose kindness the Lord, wishing us also to be imitators, says, "Be
ye perfect, even as also your Father that is in heaven is
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book VI
Thence assimilation to God the Saviour arises to the Gnostic, as far
as p... [ Continue Reading ]