NT References in the Ante-Nicene Fathers
Matthew 5:39
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III
For if He did not truly suffer, no thanks to Him, since there was no suffering at all; and when we shall actually begin to suffer, He will seem as leading us astray, exhorting us to endure buffering, and to turn the other[350]
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV
But if the law of liberty, that is, the word of God, preached by the apostles (who went forth from Jerusalem) throughout all the earth, caused such a change in the state of things, that these [nations] did form the swords and war-lances into ploughshares, and changed them into pruning-hooks for reaping the corn, [that is], into instruments used for peaceful purposes, and that they are now unaccustomed to fighting, but when smitten, offer also the other cheek,[550]
Clement of Alexandria Who is the Rich Man that Shall Be Saved?
But the soul which uses them provides the cause for each. Bear then, it is said, when struck on the face;[22]
Tertullian Of Patience
If one attempt to provoke you by manual violence, the monition of the Lord is at hand: "To him," He saith, "who smiteth thee on the face, turn the other cheek likewise."[84]
Tertullian On Exhortation to Chastity
has now grown old, ever since "Let none render evil for evil"[32]
Origen de Principiis Book III
by which he shows that it was in the power of the people to hear, and to walk in the ways of God. The Saviour also saying, "I say unto you, Resist not evil; "[40]
Origen de Principiis Book III
and, "Whoever shall be angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment; "[41]
Origen de Principiis Book III
showing that it was in the power of His people to hear and to walk in the ways of God. And the Saviour also, when He commands, "But I say unto you, Resist not evil; "[52]
Origen de Principiis Book III
and, "Whosoever shall be angry with his brother, shall be in danger of the judgment; "[53]
Origen Against Celsus Book VII
and on the other, we have read, "I say unto you, Whoever shall smite thee on the one cheek, turn to him the other also."[51]
Origen Against Celsus Book VII
From these remarks it is evident, that when Jesus said "coarsely," as Celsus terms it, "To him who shall strike thee on the one cheek, turn the other also; and if any man be minded to sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also,"[145]
Arnobius Against the Heathen Book I
For since we, a numerous band of men as we are, have learned from His teaching and His laws that evil ought not to be requited with evil,[17]
If one give thee a blow upon thy right cheek, turn to him the other also;[12]
Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book VII "If any one gives thee a stroke on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."[18]
Clementine Homily XV
which rather appeared to me to be very unjust, and I shall tell you how. He alleged that it was right to present to him who strikes you on the one cheek the other[15]
Addition to Acts of Philip
And the Saviour said: O Philip, since thou hast forsaken this commandment of mine, not to render evil for evil,[6]