Irenaeus Against Heresies Book I

Or, again, what inexperienced person can with ease detect the presence of brass when it has been mixed up with silver? "Lest, therefore, through my neglect, some should be carried off, even as sheep are by wolves, while they perceive not the true character of these men, -because they outwardly are covered with sheep's clothing (against whom the Lord has enjoined[5]

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book IV "For narrow," in truth, "and strait is the way" of the Lord. And it is to the "violent that the kingdom of God belongs."[1]

Origen Against Celsus Book VI

for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God!" Now, if Celsus had not perused the Gospels in a spirit of hatred and dislike, but had been imbued with a love of truth, he would have turned his attention to the point why a camel-that one of animals which, as regards its physical structure, is crooked-was chosen as an object of comparison with a rich man, and what signification the "narrow eye of a needle" had for him who saw that "strait and narrow was the way that leadeth unto life;[92]

Hippolytus Refutation of All Heresies Book IV

There is likewise a certain other "Small Bear" (Cynosuris), as it were some image of the second creation-that formed according to God. For few, he says, there are that journey by the narrow path.[155]

Origen Commentary on John Book VI

This way is narrow, indeed, for the many cannot bear to walk in it and are lovers of their flesh; but it is also hard-pressed[71]

Origen Commentary on John Book VI

to walk in it, for it is not called afflicting, but afflicted.[73]

Origen Commentary on John Book X

We ought to notice certainly that "many" are said to believe, not in Him, but in His name. Now, those who believe in Him are those who walk in the straight and narrow way,[160]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XII

and also that which is written in the Gospel of Matthew thus, "For narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth unto life, and few be they that find it."[87]

Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XIV

But he who has the power will consider whether thisagreement and a congregation of this sort in the midst of which Christ is, can be found in more,since "narrow and straightened is the way that leadeth unto life, and few be they that findit."[10]

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