Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book I

And yet he reckons himself perfect, because he has been emancipated from his former life, and strives after the better life, not as perfect in knowledge, but as aspiring after perfection. Wherefore also he adds, "As many of us as are perfect, are thus minded,"[107]

Tertullian De Corona

And not merely in regard to a judicial sentence, but in regard to every decision in matters we are called on to consider, the apostle also says, "If of anything you are ignorant, God shall reveal it unto you; "[16]

Tertullian On Fasting "And if," says (the apostle), "there are matters which ye are ignorant about, the Lord will reveal to you."[81]

Hippolytus Exegetical Fragments

For, by progressing in virtue, and attaining to better things, "reaching forth to those things which are before,"[37]

Cyprian Epistle LXII

And because already His second coming draws near to us, His benign and liberal condescension is more and more illuminating our hearts with the light of truth.[46]

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Old Testament