NT References in the Ante-Nicene Fathers
Revelation 13:5
Dionysius Extant Fragments Part II "And there was given unto him," he says, "a mouth speaking great things, and blasphemy; and power was given unto him, and forty and two months."[102]
Dionysius Extant Fragments Part II "And there was given unto him," he says, "a mouth speaking great things, and blasphemy; and power was given unto him, and forty and two months."[102]
Verse Revelation 13:5. _AND THERE WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM A MOUTH SPEAKING GREAT_ _THINGS_] That is, There was given to the rulers of the Latin empire, who are the _mouth_ of the beast, (and particularly...
AND THERE WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM A MOUTH SPEAKING GREAT THINGS - John does not say by whom this was given; but we may suppose that it was by the “dragon,” who is said Revelation 13:2 to have given him his...
REVELATION 13:1. A BEAST COMING UP OUT OF THE SEA: _cf._ the vision of the four great beasts that come up out of the sea in Daniel 7:3. As the beasts in Daniel represent empires, we may suppose that t...
"And there was given unto him. mouth speaking great things and blasphemies: and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months."--13:5. This beast had. mouth given unto it that spoke "_ gre...
THE POWER OF THE BEAST (Revelation 13:1-18) I saw a beast coming up from the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads; and it had ten royal crowns on its horns; and on its heads I saw blasphemous names....
SPEAKING. App-121. CONTINUE. Literally do, or Act 2 Thessalonians 2:3 records the coming of "the man of sin (lawlessness)", who is this beast from the sea. In 2 Thessalonians 2:8 "that wicked". "the l...
_a mouth_&c. Daniel 7:8. _to continue_ Literally, TO MAKE or DO. This may mean "to spend," so that the text will give the right sense: but perhaps rather, as in Daniel 8:24; Daniel 11:28;...
ΒΛΑΣΦΗΜΊΑΣ. A reads βλάσφημα; B2 βλασφημίαν. The first half of the verse is wanting in 1 and in Primasius. ΠΟΙΗ͂ΣΑΙ. א adds ὃ θέλει, B2 prefixes πόλεμον. Dionysius and Iren[446] int. omit the words....
Revelation 12:17 to Revelation 13:10. THE BEAST FROM THE SEA...
_THE BEAST OUT OF THE SEA REVELATION 13:1-5:_ John pictures a beast coming up out of the sea._ _ "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and t...
ΈΔΌΘΗ _aor. ind. pass. от_ ΔΊΔΩΜΙ (G1325) давать, ΛΑΛΟΎΝ _praes. act. part. (adj.) от_ ΛΑΛΈΩ (G2980) говорить, ΠΟΙΉΣΑΙ _aor. act. inf. от_ ΠΟΙΈΩ (G4160) делать; здесь·, выполнять его поручения. В те...
AND I STOOD UPON THE SAND, &C.— Here the beast is described at large, who was only mentioned before, ch. Revelation 11:7. And a _beast_ in the prophetic style, is a tyrannical, idolatrous person or em...
Strauss-' Comments SECTION 38 Text Revelation 13:1-10 1 and he stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns ten diade...
_TOMLINSON'S COMMENTS_ CHAPTER XIII THE VISION OF THE TWO BEASTS _Text (Revelation 13:1-18)_ INTRODUCTION 1 and he stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having...
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. BLASPHEMIES. So 'Aleph (') C, Andreas; B, 'blasphemy;' A,...
__ Temple Section-The Wild Beast 1 The _ dragon_, not John, was stationed so as to bring up the wild beast. 1 The beast from the sea (which is the equivalent of the abyss) has hitherto enacted the r...
13:5 career (g-24) _ Poieo_ . see Romans 1:32 . Or 'to work,' or 'act,' ' _ practised_ and prospered' is said in Daniel 8:12 ,Daniel 8:24 ....
THE TWO BEASTS Personification of the two powers inspired by the devil to persecute the Church. 1-10. The dragon stands by the sea (i.e. the Ægean Sea), from which there rises to meet him a 'beast,'...
FORTY _and_ TWO MONTHS] see on Revelation 11:2....
FROM NOW TO THE END OF TIME REVELATION _IAN MACKERVOY_ CHAPTER 13 THE *BEAST FROM THE SEA - REVELATION 13:1-10 V1 I saw a *beast. It came up from the sea. It had 10 *horns and 7 heads. There was...
AND THERE WAS GIVEN... — In these verses the words and the works of the wild beast are described. The 5th verse tells us that the liberty to speak and work _was given_ to him. There is consolation in...
CHAPTER X. THE SECOND AND THIRD GREAT ENEMIES Of THE CHURCH. Revelation 13:1 WE have seen that the main purpose of chap. 12 was to introduce to our notice the dragon, or Satan, the first great enemy...
“Big and blasphemous (or abusive; 2 Peter 2:11) words.” So Apoc. Bar. lxvii. 7: “surget rex Babylonis qui destruxit nunc Sionem et gloriabitur super populo et loquetur magna in corde suo coram Altissi...
THE BEAST AND HIS WORSHIPERS Revelation 13:1 The horns symbolize power; the heads, intelligence; and the beast, an earthly kingdom. The dragon must stand for Satan, who has wrought his greatest achie...
Still reviewing the process, a beast is seen as the agent of Satan. It is the Antichrist, who is counterfeit of Christ. He appears with the signs and symbols of kingship. He is characterized by attrac...
The beast is very proud and speaks things against God. This will only last a short, or broken, period of time. (Revelation 11:2-3; Revelation 12:6; Revelation 12:14) He also speaks against the taberna...
(9) And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him (10) to continue forty [and] two months. (9) The second part containing a history of the ac...
(1) And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. (2) And the...
We begin now what may be called the second volume of the Revelation. The prophetic part of the book divides into two portions at this point. This is another land-mark that cannot be despised, if we wo...
The Beastly Trinity I. INTRODUCTION A.Last week we studied the war that will take place in Heaven as Michael the Archangel heads up an angelic army against "the prince of the power of the air" (Ephe...
In Chapter 13 we have the clear and full development of Satan's instruments of evil. They are two the ten-horned and the two-horned beasts. To the first the dragon, who swept with his tail a third par...
AND THERE WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM A MOUTH,.... The beast is said to have a mouth before, like the mouth of a lion, Revelation 13:2; but now he was moved and stirred up by the dragon, the devil, to open it,...
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty _and_ two months. Ver. 5. _And there was given unto him_] As once was to Ant...
_And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things_ This expression seems to be taken from the description of the little horn in Daniel's vision, (Daniel 7:8,) and is explained, Revelation 13...
SPEAKING GREAT THINGS AND BLASPHEMIES; usurping the prerogatives of God, and subjecting men's consciences to his control. This beast exerts his power in connection with the second beast, verses Revela...
The power of the first beast:...
A BEAST COMING OUT OF THE SEA In contrast to seeing a great sign in heaven in Revelation 12:1, John now stands on the shore and sees a Beast rise out of the _sea_ (out of the Gentile or Western nation...
_ 5 And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months._ A. His voice is also powerful. He is able to speak great things. B....
TO CONTINUE: Or, to make war...
1-10 The apostle, standing on the shore, saw a savage beast rise out of the sea; a tyrannical, idolatrous, persecuting power, springing up out of the troubles which took place. It was a frightful mon...
AND THERE WAS GIVEN UNTO HIM A MOUTH SPEAKING GREAT THINGS AND BLASPHEMIES: by _him_ here must be meant antichrist, (as appears by the forty-two months, his period, being the same with one thousand tw...
Revelation 13:5 And G2532 he G846 given G1325 (G5681) mouth G4750 speaking G2980 (G5723) things G3173 and...
‘And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given to him and he was given authority to continue for forty two months.' This refers to the head that was smitten to death and was healed (v. 3...
Revelation 13:5. AND THERE WAS GIVEN HIM A MONTH SPEAKING GREAT THINGS AND BLASPHEMIES. This is the first of three things spoken of (Revelation 13:5-7) as ‘given,' _i.e_ given by God to whom in its ut...
The twelfth chapter has set before us the first great enemy of the Church. This chapter introduces us to other two by means of whom the devil or Satan carries on his warfare against the truth. The fir...
THERE WAS GIVEN TO HIM (εδοθη αυτω). First aorist passive indicative of διδωμ, to give, as in next line and verse Revelation 13:7. Perhaps a reference to εδωκεν (he gave) in verse Revelation 13:4, w...
CONTENTS: The beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, John, false prophet, anti-christ, Satan. CONCLUSION: In the midst of the Tribulation period there shall ris...
The conscious mind, enquiring after the truth and certainty of revelation, is worthy of all the aid that science can afford. In Daniel, as stated above, on chap. Revelation 10:5, we have before us thr...
TO HAVE AUTHORITY FOR 42 MONTHS. Satan works through the governments of this world throughout the entire Gospel Age. The governments seize power that belongs only to God, and they blaspheme God, heave...
_A beast rise up out of the sea._ THE DOMAIN OF ANTICHRIST I. It has a manifold development. In the commerce of the world, in the government of the world, in the campaigns of the world, in the liter...
REVELATION—NOTE ON REVELATION 13:1 As the dragon stands on the seashore (Revelation 12:17), a beast emerges from the sea. This beast is sometimes identified with the Antichrist (see...
REVELATION—NOTE ON REVELATION 13:5 WAS GIVEN... WAS ALLOWED. See note on 9:1. The beast speaks HAUGHTY AND BLASPHEMOUS WORDS, like the horn (king) on the fourth beast in Daniel’s vi
THE FIRST BEAST _CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ IN this and the preceding chapter the three chief adversaries of the real kingdom of God in the world are described. The first is the dragon, or Satan....
EXPOSITION REVELATION 13:1 AND I STOOD UPON THE SAND OF THE SEA. The Revised Version, agreeing with א, A, C, Vulgate, Syriac, AEthiopic, Armenian, Victorinus, reads ἐστάθη, "he stood." The Authori...
John said, I stood upon the sand of the sea (Revelation 13:1), Probably the Mediterranean Sea. and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads, ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns...
Daniel 11:36; Daniel 7:11; Daniel 7:25; Daniel 7:8; Revelation 11:2;...
To continue forty and two months [π ο ι η σ α ι μ η ν α ς τ ε σ σ ε ρ α κ ο ν τ α δ υ ο]. Lit., to make forty and two months. Similarly, Acts 14:33, poihsantev cronon having tarried a space; lit., hav...
THE WAR IN HEAVEN Revelation 12:1 _and Revelation 13:1_ INTRODUCTORY WORDS It almost seems folly to try to speak on two Chapter s in Revelation, at one time. We realize we cannot do either one justi...