Revelation 3:1

Shepherd of Hermas Similitude Sixth And he said to me, "Do you see this shepherd? "I see him, sir," I said. "This," he answered, "is the angel[3] Shepherd of Hermas Similitude Sixth These have been perverted from the truth: among them there is the hope of repentance, by which it is possible to li... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:2

Tertullian On Repentance accuses the Sardians of "works not full; "[73] 2 Clement and has saved many by coming and calling us when hastening to destruction.[23]... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:4

Shepherd of Hermas Similitude Ninth " "Why, then, sir," I said, "do all these trees bear fruit, and some of them fairer than the rest? "Listen," he said: "all who once suffered for the name of the Lord are honourable before God; and of all these the sins were remitted, because they suffered for the... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:7

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV [it is implied that] nothing has been kept back [from Him], and for this reason the same person is the Judge of the living and the dead; "having the key of David: He shall Open, and no man shall shut: He shall shut, and no man shall open."[272] Gregory Thaumaturgu... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:8

Dionysius Extant Fragments Part II And in Cephro indeed a considerable church sojourned with us, composed partly of the brethren who followed us from the city, and partly of those who joined us from Egypt. There, too, did God open to us a door[91]... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:10

Tertullian Scorpiace the very faithful martyr, who was slain where Satan dwelleth. Also to the angel of the church in Philadelphia[85]... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:11

Cyprian Treatise IX On the Advantage of Patience and again, "Hold that which thou hast, that another take not thy crown."[33] Cyprian Treatise XI Exhortation to Martyrdom Addressed to Fortunatus And in the Apocalypse the same exhortation of divine preaching speaks, saying, "Hold fast that which t... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:14

Instructions of Commodianus The winds assemble into lightnings, the heavenly wrath rages; and wherever the wicked man fleeth, he is seized upon by this fire. There will be no succour nor ship of he sea. Amen[13] Hippolytus Refutation of All Heresies Book V And from such an intercourse the Father... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:17

Tertullian On Repentance upbraids the Laodiceans for trusting to their riches;[75] Cyprian Treatise VIII On Works and Alms I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness may not appe... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:19

Tertullian Of Patience us to give thanks and rejoice, over and above, at being thought worthy of divine chastisement. "Whom I love," saith He, "I chasten."[112]... [ Continue Reading ]

Revelation 3:21

Tertullian On Idolatry For avoiding it, remedies cannot be lacking; since, even if they be lacking, there remains that one by which you will be made a happier magistrate, not in the earth, but in the heavens.[151] Tertullian Against Praxeas "He sitteth at the Father's right hand "[428] Hippolytus... [ Continue Reading ]

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