Origen Against Celsus Book III

And he bears witness that they knew God, and says, too, that this did not happen to them without divine permission, in these words: "For God showed it unto them; "[154]

Origen Against Celsus Book IV

We are not, however, mad, nor do we compare such human wisdom (I use the word "wisdom" in the common acceptation), which busies itself not about the affairs of the multitude, but in the investigation of truth, to the wrigglings of worms or any other such creatures; but in the spirit of truth, we testify of certain Greek philosophers that they knew God, seeing "He manifested Himself to them,"[134]

Lactantius Divine Institutes Book II

I am not, indeed, so unjust as to imagine that they could divine, so that they might find out the truth by themselves; for I acknowledge that this is impossible. But I require from them that which they were able to perform by reason[25]

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Old Testament