Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III

is the sign of our salvation, since it was the Lord Himself who saved them, because they could not be saved by their own instrumentality; and, therefore, when Paul sets forth human infirmity, he says: "For I know that there dwelleth in my flesh no good thing,"[388]

Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV "to will is present with him, but he finds not means to perform"[593]

Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book III

Quod si ii, qui sunt diversae sententiae, repugnantes, existiment Paulum verba sua dirigentem adversus Creatorem, dixisse ea, quae deinceps sequuntur: "Novi enim, quod non habitat in me, hoc est, in came mea, bonum; "[126]

Tertullian Of Patience

which I am all unfit, being a man of no goodness;[2]

Tertullian On Modesty "For as ye have tendered your members to servile impurity and iniquity, so too now tender them servants to righteousness unto holiness." For even if he has affirmed that "good dwelleth not in his flesh,"[192]

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Old Testament