Charles Box Commentaries
1 Corinthians 4 - Introduction
A Steward Must Be Found Faithful First Corinthians Four
Here Paul gave some very specific instructions as to how he, the other apostles of our Lord and other ministers of the gospel should be looked upon. Even though apostles and gospel preachers are to be loved and appreciated by the people to whom they have brought the gospel they are only to be looked upon as servants. Preachers or ministers of the gospel are stewards of God and it is their responsibility to be found faithful.
Paul wanted it understood that an apostle or the preacher is not what is important. However, the honorable work of delivering God's message is a great work. He fully understood that his task was to please God in his preaching and his work. With our focus on God our hearts will stay humble; men that overly value themselves or other men soon fall because of their pride.
Many temptations and problems come to those that value themselves to highly. They reject the gospel and the apostles or preachers that delivered it unto them. They begin to pass pre-mature judgments that man has no right to be involved with. A sinner snatched from destructtion by the grace of God is not in a position to pass prideful judgment on anyone. The good in our lives is goodness received from God.
The apostles had suffered greatly in order to bring the gospel to the world. This suffering and shame was endured in order that many might be begotten through the gospel. These men suffered poverty and contempt that the gospel might reach the masses of humanity. Even though these brethren were cast off by the world they were precious to God because they were His faithful stewards. Paul should have been looked upon with respect by the Corinthians. He was their spiritual father. There were problems in the church at Corinth that just had to be corrected. Paul sent Timothy to try to help them deal with these matters. He also planed a visit himself if the Lord willed it to be so. His desire was to come in love and correct the problems; he could use the rod of correction as Peter did with Ananias if necessary. However, that was not his desire.