The veil is done away in Christ 2 Corinthians 3:12-15: The hope of the perpetual nature of the New Testament gave Paul the courage to speak freely or with boldness. Just as the veil covered Moses' face to hide the glory so the fact that the Old Covenant was to be done away was hidden to the minds of many Jews. Sometimes the people were so stubborn that they did not see the truth even when the Law was read.

The Jews were guilty of unbelief concerning the temporary nature of the Old Law under Moses and the permanent nature of the New Covenant under Christ. Only Christ could take away the covering that kept them from seeing this truth. We must understand that the glory of the Old Law was to be ended under Christ. Paul said, "When the Law of Moses is read, they have their minds covered over." (2 Corinthians 3:15) Observe that Paul used the idea of their mind being veiled and then in the next verse the veil is said to be upon their heart.

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