Charles Box Commentaries
2 Corinthians 3 - Introduction
Epistles Known And Read Of All Men
Second Corinthians Three
The theme of Paul's sincerity continues to be contrasted with the conduct of some that corrupted the word of God. God had blessed Paul's labors because of his faithful service to the Master. Paul was not just bragging on himself to gain the favor of men. Possibly the false teachers had been introduced with letters from elsewhere. Paul had no need of letters of recommendation to them because they were his epistles know and read of all men.
The Corinthians themselves were the best evidence of Paul zeal and faithfulness to the word of truth. Paul's successful work had nothing to do with his own strength or skill. His work was blessed because of what God had done through him. (2 Corinthians 3:6) Paul used this occasion to show how the New Testament Gospel excelled the laws and institutions of Moses. The Law of Moses was a ministration of death that was done away. The gospel is a glorious ministration of righteousness that remains.
Sadly the Jews did not profit as they should have from the Law of Moses. They were blinded by it. Just as Moses put a veil over his face the Jews had a veil over their heart when the Law was read. They did not understand what God was saying to them through Scripture. Through the New Testament Christians have been permitted to behold the glory of the Lord and to be changed into that same image.