The Gentiles Had Accepted God's Message Acts Eleven

Word spread quickly about what had happened at Cornelius' house. The apostles and the brethren in Judea heard that Gentiles had accepted God's word. Upon Peter's return to Jerusalem, some of the Jewish brethren started arguing with him. They were upset that he had stayed in the home of Gentiles, and had even eaten with them.

Peter reviewed the details of the events that had transpired. He explained about: (1) his vision in Joppa, (2) how the angel had appeared to Cornelius, (3) how God had bidden him to go to Cornelius, (4) how the Holy Spirit had fallen on the Gentiles, and (5) how six Jewish brethren had been witnesses to what had happened. Peter said that God gave the Gentiles the same gift of the Holy Ghost that he had given to the Jews. When they heard Peter say this, they stopped arguing and started praising God. They knew that God had now allowed the Gentiles to turn to Him, and that He had given spiritual life to them.

The gospel spread from Jerusalem to Antioch. The terrible trouble that started when Stephen was killed led to some Christians going to Antioch and preaching Christ to the Gentiles. The Gentiles were allowed to hear the good news about Jesus. Many of them put their faith in the Lord. When the news of what was happening reached the church in Jerusalem they sent Barnabas to Antioch to encourage the brethren. He rejoiced in what he saw.

Barnabas realized that he needed help in this work so he sent to Tarsus to find Saul. They met with the church for a whole year and taught many people. There in Antioch the Lord's followers were called Christians for the first time. Not only were these people "called Christians" they acted like Christians should. When they heard about a terrible famine the brethren in Antioch decided to send whatever help they could to the Christians in Judea. They sent this help to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.

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