Charles Box Commentaries
Acts 16 - Introduction
The Conversion Of The Jailer Acts Sixteen
There are people that we meet that change our life forever. Such was the case when Paul visited Derbe and Lystra. There he began his association Timothy. Timothy's father was a Greek. His mother and grandmother were Jews that had become Christians. Their influence on Timothy was great. (2 Timothy 1:5)
Paul desired Timothy to join his missionary team. He had Timothy circumcision because of the Jews that were in those parts. He did not feel that this was necessary for Timothy's salvation, but he thought it might help his work among the Jews.
Paul and his company went through Phrygia and Galatia strengthening the churches. The Holy Ghost did not allow then to go to Asia or Bithynia. So they came down to Troas. At Troas Paul heard a man from Macedonia saying, "Come over into Macedonia and help us."
Paul faced a difficult situation at Philippi. His trouble started when he cast an evil spirit out of a young girl. The masters of this girl had made great profit from her power. They were angry when she was healed. Paul and Silas were abused and imprisoned because of this. The jailer was commanded to keep them safely.
While Paul and Silas were singing and praying an earthquake opened the prison doors. The jailer was amazed that no one had escaped. He and his family learned the truth and were baptized into Christ in the middle of the night.