The people on the Island of Melita were very kind to those that were
shipwrecked. They built a fire for them because of the rain and the
cold. The conduct of these people condemns many that are even more
able to help. The true Christian spirit is that of... [ Continue Reading ]
_PAUL KINDLY RECEIVED AT MELITA ACTS 28:1-10:_ The 276 people all
safely reached the shore on the island of (Melita) Malta. The local
people received them and were friendly to them. They were willing to
help them; they built a fire because of the rain and cold. Paul
gathered some wood to put on the... [ Continue Reading ]
_PAUL FINALLY REACHED ROME ACTS 28:11-16:_ They were on the Island for
three months. They departed for Italy on a ship of Alexandria, which
had wintered there, whose sign was Castor and Pollux “The Twin
Gods." As they made the journey to Rome they met with other Christians
at Puteoli. When they came... [ Continue Reading ]
_PAUL'S CONFERENCE WITH THE JEWS ACTS 28:17-22:_ Immediately after
Paul reached Rome (three days), he called together some of the Jews.
He explained that he had done nothing against the Jews or the customs
of the Jews. Yet he was "delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the
hands of the Romans." Paul... [ Continue Reading ]
_PAUL REMAINED A PRISONER AT ROME ACTS 28:23-31:_ Many Jews came to
Paul's house. He used the Law and the Prophets to talk to them about
God's kingdom (church). His goal was to "persuade them concerning
Jesus." Our goal must also be to try to win people over to Jesus.
"Some of the leaders agreed wit... [ Continue Reading ]