An opportunity to preach the gospel Acts 3:11-18: The man that was healed to Peter and John. He knew that they were instruments through whom God had worked. The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob had made this man whole. Peter was alert to the opportunity that the miracle brought to preach the gospel. The apostles were careful to show that the miracle was performed by the power of God, not by their power. The man was made whole through the name of Jesus and faith in His name.

The apostles charged these people with delivering up Jesus and killing the Prince of Life. Peter explained that God had glorified Jesus by raising Him from the dead, setting him at His own right hand, and by this notable miracle that had been done on the lame man. He gave the people hope by showing that God had raised Jesus from the dead. Peter said that it was through ignorance that these people had denied the Son of God. It was no surprise that Christ suffered. The prophets had predicted that He would.

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