Transgressions of Ammon -- Amos 1:13-15: God promised to punish Ammon for her countless transgressions. He would not change his mind about his matter. The Ammonites were descendants of Lot. (Genesis 19:38) In Gilead the Ammonites ripped open pregnant women, just to take the land. They were so greedy for land that did these horrible things to destroy the people whose land they wanted to take. God said, "I will kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah, and it shall devour the palaces thereof." "Enemies will shout and attack like a whirlwind." Rabbah was the chief city of the Ammonites. They invaded the lands of others and now their land would be invaded. The Lord promised that Ammon's king and his princes together would be dragged away into captivity by attacking armies. Sin always brings horrible consequences.

These nations are all responsible to be obedient to Divine law. They had violated the law and were sinners. Remember, "Where no law is, there is no transgression." (Romans 4:15) The judgment pronounced upon these nations by Amos the prophet proves the accountability of all people to the law of God. God is the sole, Sovereign and righteous ruler of the world. He judges all people righteously. When they rebel against the Creator they face severe judgment and consequences.

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