Transgressions of Tyrus and Edom -- Amos 1:9-12: The Lord promises to punish Tyrus or Phoenicia for countless sins or transgressions. Nations that live beside each other must be brotherly in order to continue to exist. This had previously been the case with Tyrus and Israel. "And Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and cedar trees, and carpenters, and masons: and they built David an house." (2 Samuel 5:11) Now the people of Tyrus had dragged off God's people from town after town and sold them to the Edomites. God promised to send fire to burn down the fortresses of the city of Tyre along with its palaces.

The LORD also promised to punish Edom for her countless transgressions. He would not relent or change his mind about their punishment. God had said that Esau and his descendants would live by the sword. (Genesis 27:40) Edom pursued their own relatives with the sword and killed many of them. They were furious against them and showed no mercy. The wrath and anger of Edom was an ongoing thing. Teman and Bozrah were Edomites cities. God promised to send His fiery judgment upon them because of their unfairness and cruelty against Israel.

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