Evil is strongly condemned -- Amos 6:5-7: God told the people, "You sing foolish songs to the music of harps." He also said, "Like David they invent for themselves instruments of music." This verse in no way condemns instrumental music in Old Testament times. What is condemned here is mixing true worship and idolatrous worship and thinking that God would somehow accept the whole system. These people cared about themselves but not about what is decent, good and right. "You drink all the wine you want and wear expensive perfume, but you don't care about the ruin of your nation." They surround their worship with sinful extravagance and selfishness.

God's charge against Israel was simply stated, "But they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph." They were not touched and shamed by the hardships of the poor or by idolatrous worship. They only think of gratifying their own selfish desires at the expense of their poor brethren. God promised that when the foreign armies invaded the land these people would be the first to be dragged off as captives. All of their good times and selfish living would end.

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