Christ expects steadfastness to the end -- Hebrews 3:16-19: It was not all of those who came out of Egypt that rebelled against God. The great majority of them rebelled against Him. They fell in the wilderness. A small minority stayed faithful to God. Christians should be admonished by their example. God is not at all grieved by the faithful. He is grieved only with those who sin against Him, and continue in sin.

Unbelief, resulting in rebellion against the will of God is the great, damning sin of the world. This sin shuts up the heart of God against the rebellious. It also shuts up the gate of heaven against them. It puts them under the wrath of God forever. No unbeliever or unfaithful soul shall enter into the rest of God!

Through obedient faith you should become a Christian now. (Matthew 28:18-20) Our love for God should then lead us to persevere till death. (Revelation 2:10)

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