In Hebrews three the author set forth the sin of the Jews and the punishment for their actions. Here in Hebrews four he begins to show the benefits and privileges that come to believers in Christ through the gospel.

The Holy Spirit wanted us to understand the promise of a "rest" that remains. There is a real danger of coming short of God's rest and of losing it. The reason that Jews of old did not enter into God's rest was because of a lack of faith. Unbelief will also keep us out of God's promised rest.

One of the main points of this section was that a rest of a spiritual nature remains for the people of God. This rest is much more desirable than the land of Canaan was for the Jews. God used both the Jews of the Old Testament times and His own rest to picture the rest awaiting the faithful Christian. This rest that God has prepared is attainable through faithful service to God.

Our boldness in coming before God should exist because of Jesus, our Great High Priest. In all of our spiritual weakness and struggles we can come to Him for help.

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