In Hebrews six the writer shows that the best way to prevent apostasy
is to do better than the Hebrews had done in serving God. Our goal
must be to persevere in the faith and to grow in holiness. True
happiness comes in serving God faithfully until the end.... [ Continue Reading ]
A WARNING AGAINST APOSTASY -- HEBREWS 6:1-6 : In Christianity there
are many fundamental principles that must be carefully taught and
learned. Sadly many never learn these principles. Some who learn these
elementary things never go beyond them. Once the foundation principles
have been learned we mus... [ Continue Reading ]
AN ILLUSTRATION OF APOSTASY -- HEBREWS 6:7-10 : The truth concerning
apostasy is illustrated by the ground that after much cultivation
brings forth nothing but briers and thorns. It "is nigh unto cursing;
whose end is to be burned." (Hebrews 5:8)
The good ground drinks in the rain that comes upon it... [ Continue Reading ]
A SURE PROMISE FROM GOD -- HEBREWS 6:11-15 : When Christianity is
persevered, hope can be obtained. Those who faithfully serve God will
attain the full assurance of hope in the end. No one can have this
hope who, does not persevere in holy living! Therefore, the object of
every Christian must be a l... [ Continue Reading ]
AN ANCHOR FOR OUR SOUL -- HEBREWS 6:16-20 : God's promise of our
heavenly hope provides an anchor for our soul. Two immutable things,
God's promise and the oath of God should cause us to possess a strong
consolation. As Christians we have fled to Christ for refuge. He is
the Christian's city of refu... [ Continue Reading ]