A backsliding heifer -- Hosea 4:16-19: In their relationship with God Israel was nothing more than a stubborn cow. They had thrown off the yoke and refused submission to God. God would now deal with as a lamb turned out into a large field. Out in the field there would be much more danger of attack by wild beasts. God punished Israel by "turning her out" into exile in Assyria. There she faced sure and certain difficulty.

The name "Ephraim" refereed to the children of Israel or the 10 Northern Tribes. Israel had gone beyond the point of hope so the prophet was told to leave them alone or not to try any more to reform them. The rulers of Israel got drunk; went in to prostitutes, lived vulgar lives and practice covetousness and bribery. Israel was swept away for sacrificing to idols. They shall be so humbled by God that "they shall be ashamed because of their sacrifices" to idols.

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