Charles Box Commentaries
Hosea 6 - Introduction
Let Us Return Unto The Lord
-- Hosea Six --
Israel had sinned grievously. They had become idolatrous. Sin had taken them far from the one true and loving God. God had promised that Israel would be left to face the consequences of her sins. “I will return again to My place Till they acknowledge their offense. Then they will seek My face; In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me.” (Hosea 5:15) The thought of being left in our sins, without God, should bring us to our knees. Sadly, Judah was not too far behind Israel.
Hosea pictured the goodness of God in receiving and reviving His penitent people. God always promised to receive those that repent. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14) God was prepared to receive His people again, if only they would turn their hearts to Him.
The goodness or faithfulness of both Israel and Judah was like an early morning cloud. It did not last and went quickly away. Through His prophet God pronounced coming judgment upon those nations. His judgment was as sure and certain as the coming of morning light.
Sadly, Israel felt very righteous. However, their religion was only outward show. This led God to say, “For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.” (Hosea 6:6) While practicing an outward religion Israel was disobedient against God and treacherous in dealing with others.
Gilead was specifically called out by God as a city that had done wickedly. They worked iniquity and were polluted with blood. Murder was their sin! God asked, “Though Gilead has idols-Surely they are vanity-Though they sacrifice bulls in Gilgal, Indeed their altars shall be heaps in the furrows of the field.” (Hosea 12:11) He looked upon the sinfulness of both Israel and Judah as a “horrible thing.”