Israel tried everything but God -- Hosea 7:11-13: Israel sought the strength of other nations as a replacement for their dependence upon God. Ephraim is like a silly dove. She does not have heart or good judgment. She just flits about from one place to another without any purpose or serious defense. Israel turned to such sources as Egypt and Assyria for help instead of relying on God. Christians sometimes do the same thing that Israel did. They make friendships and try to gain strength from those that live without God. It did not work for Israel and it will not work for us.

God said, "When they shall go, I will spread my net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls of the heaven; I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard." (Hosea 7:12) "It is common for those that go away from God to find snares where they expected shelters." The Lord threatened to capture (Israel) that silly dove with a net. The net that He would use was the Assyrians, the very people to whom she had flown for help. God can and will bring those down that exalt themselves and turn themselves away from Him.

God had dealt with Israel in a gracious and loving manner. Yet they rebelled against Him and refused His commands. These Jews lied about the correction that God sent their way saying they did not deserve it. They lied about all the good He had done to them, through them and for them as if He had done too little. They even attributed the things done for them by God to some idol that actually did nothing. Israel had rebelled against God. So, now destruction is their reward.

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