Israel rebelled more and more -- Hosea 7:14-16: The rebellion of Israel against God has brought on devastation. God was their rightful king and ruler. He had always ruled fairly and with their good in mind. Hosea sadly wrote, "And they rebel against me." (Hosea 7:14) They not only left God but they made every effort to get Him off the throne and to set up other gods! Israel was in misery, but still they do not look to the one true and living God. There is no repentance on the part of Israel, no call for help to God from the heart of a fallen nation.

Observe what God had done for Israel. He "bound and strengthened their arms." In return they "imagined mischief against" Him. (Hosea 7:15) God had faithfully provided for all of Israel's physical needs. He had also granted all the spiritual things necessary for Israel to grow before Him, and yet they rejected it all. In the last verse of the chapter we read the heart rending words, "They return, but not to the most High." (Hosea 7:16) They pretended repentance but did not return unto the Lord. The apostasies of Israel from God lead to their enslavement and destruction. The same thing can happen to us! Israel looked to others instead of to God for help. They found only derision, misery and destruction.

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