Charles Box Commentaries
Hosea 8 - Introduction
An Announcement of Coming Judgment
-- Hosea Eight --
God told his prophet Hosea to make an announcement concerning coming judgment. He was to blow the trumpet because Israel's enemy would soon invade her. Israel had rebelled against God and now they faced the consequences of their iniquity. God had said, "Woe unto them! for they have fled from me: destruction unto them! because they have transgressed against me: though I have redeemed them, yet they have spoken lies against me." (Hosea 7:13) Israel claimed to love God yet they rebelled against Him and transgressed His covenant.
Israel had become very wicked as a nation. They were both immoral and unethical. This was a nation filled with blood. They did not take counsel of God when appointing rulers and kings. The nation was filled with idolatry. They had followed the lead of Jeroboam that had set up the calves at Dan and Bethel. God asked them how long they would be incapable of purity. Israel had become so corrupt that idols were now coming from her. These idol gods were powerless and would be broken to pieces. Israel had "sown the wind, and now they shall reap the whirlwind." The physical seed that Israel sowed produced mostly stalks. The grain that was produced was stolen by strangers.
When God's judgment came upon Israel they were consumed as when one ate grain. They lost their identity among the gentiles. They became like a broken pot that no one wanted. Ephraim made treaties with Assyria and that became the very nation that devoured them. "Ephraim was also like a harlot but even worse in that she paid others to love her rather than receiving pay from them."
In rebellion against God Israel built many altars to idol gods. These altars became places for sinning rather than places for worship. More gods and more altars meant more sinning. Israel had the advantage of having God's written law and yet they continued to rebel. What they did at their altars had no sacrificial value to God. God would send Israel into a place of bondage, like Egypt. Instead of continuing to trust and obey God, both Israel and Judah put their confidence in their own ability to provide for themselves. Israel arrogantly disregarded God and His law! Now they must pay for their sins!