Luke gave some very vivid word pictures of Jesus' suffering at the
hands of the Jews. Satan used covetousness to stir the heart of Judas
to bargain with the Jewish leaders to betray Jesus. Judas pointed
Jesus out to the Jews at a time when they could cap... [ Continue Reading ]
_THERE WAS A PLOT TO KILL JESUS -- LUKE 22:1-6:_ The Jews were
plotting to kill Jesus. They did not understand that His death would
be a sacrifice for the sins of the world. The feast of unleavened
bread or the Passover was drawing near. The chief priests and the
teachers of the Law of Moses wanted... [ Continue Reading ]
_PASSOVER AND THE LORD'S SUPPER -- LUKE 22:7-22:_ Jesus sent Peter and
John to prepare the last Passover meal. This would be the last time
Passover would ever be observed with God's approval. Passover is not a
part of God's New Covenant that began with the death of Jesus.
(Hebrews 8-10) A man carryi... [ Continue Reading ]
_JESUS AND HIS DISCIPLES -- LUKE 22:23-46:_ The disciples had some
interesting discussions about who would ever do such a thing as to
betray Jesus. They also discussed who would be greatest in the
kingdom. Jesus taught them that you are great and you lead by being a
servant. Jesus had set the exampl... [ Continue Reading ]
LUKE 22:47-71:_ While Jesus was in the garden Judas led a multitude to
take Him. He identified Jesus with a kiss. In an effort to cause Judas
to see his sins Jesus asked him, "Are you betraying the Son of Man
with a kiss?" When the o... [ Continue Reading ]