Charles Box Commentaries
Mark 4 - Introduction
Jesus Taught In Parables
Mark Four
Jesus was the master teacher. He often used parables to explain His simple truths. Mark chapter four is very much like Matthew 13. Large crowds were attracted to Jesus. Some came hoping for a miracle. Others came to hear His powerful teaching. The crowds were now so large that Jesus got into a boat and taught them. One of Jesus parables was that of the seed and the sower.
The seed was sown in different soils and of course the result was very different. Jesus taught in parables so that those that were interested could learn about forgiveness and salvation. When Jesus was alone with the twelve He explained that the seed was the word of God. He said that it fell into different kinds of soils and brought forth different results. His message was simple and should have been accepted by all that heard.
After both giving and explaining the parable of the seed and the sower Jesus gave other parables. He used a candle and other seed to make known His truth. Our Lord was amazing both in teaching and in action. He could sleep in a boat on the sea during a storm and He could even still the storm and bring about a great calm. What a mighty God we serve!