Jesus Fed the Five Thousand Mark 6:30-44: The apostles returned to Jesus and told Him what they had done and what they had taught. He wanted them to have a little time to rest so he took them to a deserted place. With the continual coming of so many people they had not even had time to eat. They slipped away from the crowd and went away in a boat to a solitary place by themselves. The people saw what was happening and ran on foot and got there before the boat landed. Compassion caused Jesus to go out among the crowd to teach and to help them. It was late in the day so his disciples asked Him to send the people away to buy food.

Instead of sending the people away Jesus told His disciples to give them something to eat. He said, "How many loaves do you have? Go and see." They looked and found five loaves and two fish. Jesus commanded the people to sit on the green grass. They sat in groups of hundreds and fifties. He took the five loaves and two fish; He looked up to heaven and, gave thanks. He gave the loaves and fish to the disciples to give to the people. The people ate and were satisfied. The number of men that ate was about five thousand. When the people had eaten all they wanted they took up twelve baskets full of fragments.

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