Micah's Prayer and the Lord's Answer -- Micah 7:14-17: Micah prayed that God would rule and lead His people. He requested that God would "let them feed in Bashan and Gilead, as in the days of old." Years before the Assyrians had taken these places, but at the end of the captivity Israel would be allowed to live there again. God would again take care of His people after they have gone through the terrible time of captivity. The Almighty brought Israel out of Egypt and He would deliver them out of Babylonian confinement. In delivering those from Egypt He did tremendous things and He would do great things for His people again.

When God brought the remnant back they were a comparatively small group of people. However, the heathen nations would see what God did for Israel and they would be ashamed. They would recognize that their armies were helpless against the power of the Almighty. They would be in shock. They would be like deaf and dumb people that can neither speak nor hear. The fear of the Lord God would cause these nations to come trembling before Him, crawling out of their fortresses like a snake out of its hole. These nations would lick the dust or face total humiliation. They would be forced to respect the supremacy of the true and living God.

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