Israel turned back to God -- Micah 7:8-13: The nation of Israel had fallen exceedingly low. After a time of repentance and spiritual growth God would raise them up again. Things might have been dark but a brighter day was coming. God would continue to punish Israel until proper punishment had been made for sins. After that He would make things right for His people and punish the cruel nation that had been so harsh to His people. God punished Israel for her sins and after a time of repentance on the part of the people He pleaded their cause against their enemies. This would cause them to understand that God always does what is right. The cruel nation that had punished Israel would be ashamed for ever asking, "Where is your God?"

The time would come when the captivity would end and Israel would be restored. At that time the walls of the cities would be rebuilt and the borders of their country would be much wider. The fulfillment of this promise is recorded in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. The remnant would come from Assyria, Egypt and from all over the earth. The heartbreaking thing is that the people would suffer greatly because of their sins before this time of restoration came.

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