Nineveh's leaders are weak -- Nahum 3:16-19: These verses describe the utter defeat of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. There is neither the possibility that the nation might be spared or restored. Destruction was certain. Nineveh was strong from the standpoint of business and political interests. More merchants were in your city than there are stars in the sky. The invading army would be like locusts that eat everything and then fly away. In Nahum 3:17, Nahum said Nineveh's army officers would flee rather than fight. "Your guards and your officials are swarms of locusts. On a chilly day they settle on a fence, but when the sun comes out, they take off to who-knows-where."

The subject of the last verses of Nahum remains the same, the utter destruction of Nineveh. There is no possibility of restoration. It is too late for Assyria. Her officials and leaders sleep the eternal sleep. The people will be scattered in the mountains as sheep without a shepherd. Nineveh, the Assyrian capital, a most powerful city would suffer a wound that would never heal. Nineveh would be punished for her inhumane treatment of Israel. The Assyrian empire never recovered from the defeat. Nineveh would hurt for a little while and then fall. They were reaping what they had sown. Nineveh fell in 612 BC. Assyria collapsed in 608. The entire world at that time had suffered under the yoke of Assyria. Now the world rejoices that Assyria is destroyed!

Let us learn that those that serve God are blessed and those that rebel face certain and severe punishment.

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