A Revelation of love and blood -- Revelation 1:4-8: The book of Revelation was written to the seven churches of Asia. There were other churches in that general area including Troas, Colosse and Hierapolis. However, John only addressed his book to seven of the churches. The seven possible stands as representative of all the churches or it may be just the fact that seven is that perfect number. What would God say if He wrote a letter to the Walnut Street Church of Christ?

Revelation begins with the formal greeting used in many New Testament books. The greeting is that of grace and peace. (Revelation 1:4) John identifies Jesus as being from everlasting. Jesus existed in the past. He exists in the present. He will exist in the future. The most profound part of the book of Revelation has to do with the fact that this eternal one "loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood." (Revelation 1:5) If we understand our own deep sinfulness, this seems almost too good to be true.

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