Satan is bound Revelation 20:1-3: Revelation twenty provides a look at the final judgment. We observe that Satan falls and that the people of God enjoy victory. The theme of the book of Revelation could easily be "the victory of the saints." We have already observed the fall of the Roman Empire in the overthrow of the Sea beast and the Earth beast. (Revelation 19:1-21) There was also the picture of the fall of the great Harlot, which is the city of Rome itself. Now we learn of the destruction of the evil one himself. "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years." (Revelation 20:2)

The first thing that we observe about Satan is that he is bound a thousand years in order that he will not deceive the nations. After this time he is given a period of freedom. Satan is still active during this entire period only a part of his power is limited. He is unable to deceive the nations. The devil had deceived the nations with emperor worship. God limited that power of deception for a period of time. However, we must remember that the devil is not finished and he will make a final effort to destroy the people of God.

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