A. As we return to the book of Ephesians, we continue our study on
Christian behavior.
1. The Apostle Paul has just given the Ephesian Christians, (and us) a
"list" of ungodly behaviors in Chapter 4 and exhorted them to have no
part in them!
a) It is a list of "put on's" and "put... [ Continue Reading ]
A. For the last few week in our study of Ephesians, we have been
looking at what the behavior of a Christian should be.
1. Last week we stopped at the end of Chapter 5 verse 20, where the
Apostle Paul has just told the Ephesian Christians (in brief), about
the relationship they sho... [ Continue Reading ]
A. The last few teachings in Ephesians we have concentrated on
Christian behavior.
1. Last week, we specifically dealt with the behavior of a Godly wife
as it related to her husband.
2. And in tonight's study we will take a look at the husband's role
and his Godly behavior towards... [ Continue Reading ]