will make of thee. great nation.

There are several clauses in the promise to Abraham of which this is the first and refers to his descendants. Among the purposes of God was the founding of the Jewish race, "a great nation," composed of the blood and offspring of Abraham.

And. will bless thee.

Personally, the blessing of God shall rest upon the patriarch, and we see it signally realized, in the prosperous, peaceful, happy life, and in the greatness of his name among his own contemporaries. Certainly the promise that "his name should be great" has had. wonderful fulfillment. Nearly half the human race honor Abraham as. great religious father. We think it safe to say that no other one man has been so widely venerated.

Thou shalt be. blessing.

A good man is always. blessing, but the promise has. wider scope. It is. prophecy of the spiritual blessings of mankind which should be bestowed through the race of Abraham as. medium.

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