And Abram passed through the land to Sichem.

Entering from the north, passing down the Jordan valley, the beautiful and fertile spot of Shechem, or Sychar, "the garden of Palestine" would be in his course. It is evident that the land was thinly settled, for this delightful valley, well watered with springs, was open to the pasturage of his flocks. He was entering upon ground that his race would render historic. Here Jacob would afterwards encamp, also. pilgrim from Haran; here Jacob's well was dug; here the bones of Joseph were buried; here the blessings and the cursings of the law were given; and here "One greater than our father Jacob" taught the Samaritans the way of life.

The plain of Moreh.

More correctly the oak of Moreh.

The Canaanite was then in the land.

This statement is made in order that the reader may know that the same occupants were in Palestine who held possession 400 years later. At that later period there was implacable enmity between Abraham's seed and the Canaanites, but he dwelt with them in peace.

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