Genesis 28:10

JACOB AT BETHEL. -- Genesis 28:10-22. GOLDEN TEXT. --_ Surely the Lord is in this place._ -- Genesis 28:16. TIME. --About B. C. 1760. PLACE. --Bethel in Palestine. HELPFUL READINGS. -- Genesis 25:27-34; Genesis 27:1-40; Genesis 28:1-9; Genesis 35:1-6; John 1:50-51. LESSON ANALYSIS. --1. The Night Vi... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:11

HE LIGHTED UPON. CERTAIN PLACE. The place he had reached was Bethel, then called Luz, formerly an encampment and place of worship of Abraham. It is not impossible that Jacob may have known how hallowed the spot was in the history of his grandfather. It was about 48 miles from Beersheba and twelve m... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:12

AND HE DREAMED, AND BEHOLD,. LADDER SET UPON THE EARTH. God was pleased, in this spot where Abraham "had called on the name of the Lord," and where he had revealed himself to the patriarch, to appear also to Jacob. It was in. remarkable vision of the night season, that he appeared to him.. ladder, o... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:13

II. THE LORD OF THE COVENANT. 13. AND, BEHOLD, THE LORD STOOD ABOVE IT. Above the top of the ladder, the place where it ended, stood Jehovah, the covenant God of Israel, superintending all this providential scheme of grace. He is the fountain from whence flows all mercy, the height that the ladder... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:14

AND THY SEED SHALL BE SO THE DUST OF THE EARTH. See Genesis 13:16, where the same promise is made to Abraham, and 26:4, where it is made to Isaac. It will be well for every student, in order that he may take in the full significance of this revelation to Jacob, to note, 1. That God revealed himself... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:15

BEHOLD,. AM WITH THEE, AND WILL KEEP THEE. The promises before were the promises of the Abrahamic covenant, made to Abraham and his race. This promise comes home to Jacob personally in his present circumstances;. fugitive from Beersheba, on. perilous journey to. far-off land, not knowing what was i... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:16

III. THE HOUSE OF GOD. 16. SURELY THE LORD IS IN THIS PLACE, AND. KNEW IT NOT. It is probable that Jacob did not have so intelligent. conviction of God's Omnipresence as we have, and thought that he was more likely to be found in special places. Indeed this narrow comprehension of the Infinite see... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:17

HOW DREADFUL IS THIS PLACE! The idea is, How awe-inspiring! The wonderful vision had left. deep and solemn impression on his mind. THIS IS NONE OTHER BUT THE HOUSE OF GOD. He declares that it is. place where, God dwells where he makes his temple, where. gateway leads to heaven through which angel... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:18

JACOB ROSE UP EARLY IN THE MORNING. Sleep had been banished by his wonderful vision. He would hardly have dared to lie down to sleep in. place that seemed the very house of God and gateway to heaven. The revelations called for worship, and. fitting recognition on his part. Hence, as soon as the dayl... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:19

HE CALLED THE NAME OF THE PLACE BETHEL. There was. town near the place where he had encamped, before this time called Luz, though it is spoken of in connection with Abraham's history under the name of Bethel, the name by which it was called when Moses wrote. The name now bestowed upon it by Jacob,... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:20

JACOB VOWED,... IF GOD WILL BE WITH ME. Jacob's vision is followed up properly by. vow. Special privileges and promises make special obligations. God had in the revelation made certain promises. Jacob vows that he will make certain returns, such as were in his power, for what the Lord promised. Some... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:21

THEN SHALL THE LORD BE MY GOD. The Speaker's Commentary renders the whole passage: "If God will be with me and keep me in the way that. go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, and. come again in peace to my father's house, and if the LORD will be my God, then shall this stone, whic... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 28:22

AND THIS STONE... SHALL BE GOD'S HOUSE. If he returns, this place where the pillar marks the spot shall be. place of worship and recognized as God's house. By referring to Genesis 35:1-7, the reader will find how Jacob kept this vow on his return, twenty years later. PRACTICAL AND SUGGESTIVE. The... [ Continue Reading ]

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