When the woman saw.

She had listened to the tempter, and she now dallies with the temptation. She looks upon the forbidden fruit, and considers the advantages from taking it. She saw that "it was good for food." Perhaps the tempter ate some with great relish before her. It appealed to her sensual appetite, "the lust of the flesh," and also to the "lust of the eyes," for it "was pleasant to look upon." How many fall through appetite! How many are assailed through the eyes! It also ministered to the pride of life, for it "made one wise," gratified an ambition for exalted knowledge derived from experience. She had paused to consider the question of disobedience, and this decided the tremendous issue of life and death for. race.

She took of the fruit.

It was her own free act. She was created with the power of choice; she could not be. moral being otherwise. In the exercise of this power she chose to do wrong instead of right, and thus sin and evil entered into the life of our race. God did not create evil, but created beings who had the power to obey or disobey; beings with moral powers, instead of helpless machines; and some of these by their own free choice accepted the evil. The Fall of man was the free, unconstrained act of our first parents.

Gave also to her husband with her.

She became the temptress now, to lead her husband astray. The effect of sin upon the soul is to make the sinner. dangerous associate. Too many are not satisfied until they lead others astray. Especially dangerous to. man is it to have. wicked wife, or to. woman to have. wicked husband. Adam had his Eve, David, his Bathsheba, Ahab, his Jezebel, and Herod, his Herodias.

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