Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel.

Israel means. "prince with God," one who prevails with God, who has prevailed in the struggle of prayer and obtained the blessing he sought. The change of name thus indicates the change in Jacob's relations to God and to Esau which followed his victory in this prayer-struggle. "The strength by which he prevailed was as truly God's as that by which God in outward show contended against him. Indeed we must not consider God in this transaction as acting in the double capacity of an adversary and an assailant."-- Bush. From this time Jacob became. new man; his selfishness and his duplicity are seen no more. It was after this wrestle in the darkness that he got. new heart,. new character and. new name.

Hast prevailed.

The fact that he had prevailed with God was. pledge that he would prevail with men;--with Esau on the morrow,--because it was. proof that God would watch over and protect him. Whoever prevails with God will also prevail with men.

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