Genesis 8:16

16 Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee.

window shalt thou make to the ark.

This account of the window has been puzzling to the commentators. The most probable idea is that it was, not. single window, but. window system. Gesenius says that the word means window course, or set of windows--a system of lighting--and translates: "A window system shalt thou make to the ark, and in. cubit shalt thou finish them from above;" that is, they shall be placed. cubit below the decks or floors. It is quite possible that there was. window course to each story,. cubit below the ceiling or floor. Others have held that "in. cubit shalt thou finish it above" does not refer to the windows at all, but to the deck, or roof, which was to be raised. cubit in the center, so as to give. slope. From the general description we gather that the ark was. great building, over 500 feet long, 80 wide, and 60 high, with windows for the entrance of light near the roof,. door in the side, three stories high, constructed of resinous wood, and pitched within and without.

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