Jesus turned... and saith, What seek ye?

Jesus does not ask this in order that he may know their object, but to open. conversation and to draw them out. Such was his custom; for example, see the conversation with the woman at Sychar (Chap. 4:10-16). The Christian teacher may find. valuable hint in the example of the Master. His teaching was almost all by conversation and his methods are incomparable.


A term of very ancient origin, signifying teacher, or master. Ahasuerus set. Rab, or master, over the tables of his feast (Esther 1:8). Among the Jews there are three degrees--Rabban, Rab, and Rabbi--the last being the lowest. It is by the highest that Mary addresses the Lord at the tomb after his resurrection.

Where dwellest thou?

The disciples dared not probably, from their timidity, to express fully their motives in following Jesus, but asked for his temporary abiding place and where he might be found. This question, which some might have regarded impertinent curiosity to be met by. rebuff, was met by. kind invitation that attached the disciples to Jesus for life. Here again we should note the effect of gentleness and hospitality. Note, too, that Jesus is not sought in vain. "They that seek shall find."

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