speak not of you all.

There is one present to whom knowledge will not bring happiness. He had been alluded to in verse 10.

I know whom. have chosen.

Christ refers to the choice to the apostolate, not to election to salvation. He declares that he knew Judas, but chose him that the Scripture might be fulfilled. Judas was no surprise to Christ. He had known his sordid nature from the beginning and to what it would lead him. The Evangelists do not conceal the fact that the traitor was one of their own number.

Why was such. man chosen to be one of the twelve?

1. There was needed among the disciples, as in the Church now,. man of just such talents as Judas possessed,--the talent for managing business affairs.

2. Though he probably followed Christ at first from mixed motives, as did the other disciples, he had the opportunity of becoming. good and useful man.

3. It doubtless was included in God's plan that there should be thus. standing argument for the truth and honesty of the gospel; for, if any wrong or trickery had been concealed, it would have been revealed by the traitor in self-defence.

4. It is. relief to modern churches to know that God can bless them, and the gospel can succeed, even though some bad men may creep into the fold.

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