B. W. Johnson's Bible Commentary
John 13:5
Poureth water into. basin.
Girded as. servant the Lord does. servant's work. The feet were not put into the basin, but water was poured from it on the feet and they were then wiped with the towel.
Poureth water into. basin.
Girded as. servant the Lord does. servant's work. The feet were not put into the basin, but water was poured from it on the feet and they were then wiped with the towel.
Verse John 13:5. _POURETH WATER INTO A BASON_, c.] This was the office of the meanest slaves. When David sent to Abigail, to inform her that he had chosen her for wife, she arose and said: _Behold, l...
BEGAN TO WASH ... - It was uniformly the office of a servant to wash the feet of guests, 1 Samuel 25:41. It became a matter of necessity where they traveled without shoes, and where they reclined on c...
CHAPTER 13 _ 1. The Washing of the Disciples' Feet. (John 13:1 .)_ 2. Instructions given; to Wash One Another's Feet. (John 13:12 .) 3. The Betrayal Foretold. (John 13:18 .) 4. His Own Departure an...
JOHN 13. THE REVELATION TO THE DISCIPLES. John 13:1. The Agape and the Foot Washing. According to Jn. the events of the Passion are the voluntary sacrifice of Love. He loved His own to the end. At the...
THE ROYALTY OF SERVICE (John 13:1-17)...
Before the Festival of the Passover, Jesus, in the knowledge that his hour had come to leave this world and to go to the Father, although he had always loved his own people in the world, decided to sh...
AFTER THAT. Then. POURETH. putteth, same word as in John 13:2. WASH. Greek. _nipto._ App-136. WIPE. Greek. _ekmasso._ Occurs elsewhere, John 11:2; John 12:3.
_into a bason_ Better, _into_ THE _bason_, which stood there for such purposes, the large copper bason commonly found in oriental houses. _began to wash_ Began is not a mere amplification as in the ot...
Τ. ΝΙΠΤΗ͂ΡΑ. THE _bason_, which stood there for such purposes, the large copper bason commonly found in oriental houses. ἬΡΞΑΤΟ ΝΊΠΤΕΙΝ. Ἤρξατο is not a mere amplification as in the other Gospels (Mat...
Ver 1. Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them t...
_JESUS WASHED THE FEET OF HIS DISCIPLES -- JOHN 13:1-20:_ The time was just before Passover. Jesus knew that the time of His death was at hand. He would soon leave this world and return to the Father....
ΝΙΠΤΉΡ (G3618) кувшин или графин. Омовение производилось посредством переливания воды из одного сосуда в другой над ногами (Morris), ΉΡΞΑΤΟ _aor. ind. med. (dep.) от_ ΆΡΧΟΜΑΙ (G757) начинать, ΝΊΠΤΕΙ...
THE ACT OF LOVING SERVICE _Text 13:1-11_ 1 Now before the feast of the passover, Jesus knowing that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own t...
EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF JOHN John 13:1-11 Below is an Analysis of the passage which is to be before us:— We are now to enter upon what many believers in each age have regarded as the most precio...
After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. AFTER THAT HE POURETH WATER INTO A ('THE' BASON), AND BEGA...
37 What better proof could be found that they were walking in darkness than their rejection of the Man of Sorrows? The prophets plainly foretold their action and yet they are too much in the dark to s...
THE LAST SUPPER 1-17. The Supper and the Feet-washing. This supper is identified by almost all modern authorities with the Last Supper, which took place on Thursday night at Jerusalem (Matthew 26:20;...
JOHN TELLS THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT JESUS GOSPEL OF JOHN _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 13 JESUS WASHES HIS *DISCIPLES’ FEET 13:1-11 V1 It was the day before the *Passover. Jesus knew that it was time for hi...
AFTER THAT HE POURETH WATER INTO A BASON. — Better,... _into the bason._ It was the bason in the room, commonly used, and now ready for suck purposes. The water was at hand. All suggested then that on...
VI. _ THE FOOT-WASHING._ "Now before the feast of the Passover, Jesus knowing that His hour was come that He should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved His own which were in the wor...
εἶτα … νιπτῆρα. Each step in the whole astounding scene is imprinted on the mind of John. “Next He pours water into the basin,” _the_ basin which the landlord had furnished as part of the necessary ar...
_Jesus washes the disciples' feet and explains His action_....
JESUS GLORIFIES HUMBLE SERVICE John 13:1-11 In the Temple the laver preceded the brazen altar. It was kept filled with pure water for the constant washing of the priests; Exodus 30:18-21; Leviticus 1...
For a time our Lord now devoted Himself to His own, and in this connection we have the account of His washing the disciples' feet. The whole action was Eastern, and was the action of a slave: By what...
St. Ambrose and St. Bernard shew that this washing was mysterious, and significative of the very great purity expected of those that receive the blessed Eucharist....
FOOT-WASHING John 13:1-20. “And before the feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that the hour has come that He must depart out of this world to His Father, having loved His own in the world with Divi...
“[Jesus] _rises from the supper and lays aside his garments; and, taking a towel, he girds himself._ 5. _Then he pours water into the basin; and he began to wash the feet of his disciples and to wipe...
ADDITIONAL NOTES BY THE AMERICAN EDITOR. With reference to the individual words and phrases of John 13:1-11 the following suggestions may be offered: 1. The _hour_, which has been spoken of in the ea...
THIRD PART: THE DEVELOPMENT OF FAITH IN THE DISCIPLES. 13:1- 17:26. THE third part of the Gospel describes the last moments which Jesus passed with His disciples; while making us acquainted with the s...
And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's s on, to betray him; (3) Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was c...
The point at which we have arrived gives me an opportunity of saying a little on the beginning of this chapter, and the end of the last; for it is well known that many men, and, I am sorry to add, not...
5._And began to wash the feet of his disciples. _These words express the design of Christ, rather than the outward act; for the Evangelist adds, that he began with Peter....
Now, then, the Lord has taken His place as going to the Father. The time was come for it. He takes His place above, according to the counsels of God, and is no longer in connection with a world that h...
AFTER THAT BE POURETH WATER INTO A BASON,.... This also was a servile work, and what properly belonged to servants to do; see John 2:5. The bason to wash the feet in, called by the Jews רגלים עריבת,...
After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe _them_ with the towel wherewith he was girded. Ver. 5. _After that he poureth water, &c._] So doth the pop...
_Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God_, &c. That is, although he was conscious of his own greatness, as being invested with the government o...
JESUS WASHING THE DISCIPLES' FEET. John 13:1 At the Passover meal:...
WASHING HIS DISCIPLES' FEET (vs.1-17) We are brought now to consider the last hours of the Lord Jesus before the cross. No longer does He minister to the world, but to His own disciples, from chapte...
1-17 Our Lord Jesus has a people in the world that are his own; he has purchased them, and paid dear for them, and he has set them apart for himself; they devote themselves to him as a peculiar peopl...
Poureth water into a bason; begins first to wash his disciples feet, then to wipe them with the linen cloth he had taken. All this was done in the form of a servant; so they used to do, as to guests t...
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book IV when He washed the disciples' feet with His own hands.[328] Clement of Alexandria The Instructor Book II This was, then, what the anointed feet prophesied-the trea...
John 13:5 that G1534 poured G906 (G5719) water G5204 into G1519 basin G3537 and G2532 began G756 ...
‘Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper, and laying aside his top clothes, took a towel and wrapped it...
THE WASHING OF THE FEET: A LESSON IN HUMILITY (JOHN 13:1). Two major lessons come out from this passage. The first is that of the example that Jesus was giving of true humility in love and service. He...
We enter here upon the fifth of those sections into which we have seen that the Gospel is divided; and the section extends to the close of chap. 17. The scene and the circumstances of the actors in it...
POURETH (βαλλε). Vivid present again. Literally, "putteth" (as in verse John 13:2, βαλλω).INTO THE BASIN (εις τον νιπτηρα). From verb νιπτω (later form of νιζω in this same verse and below) to wa...
John 13:1 The Washing of the Feet When we seek to wash a brother's feet we must be very careful about three things, which I give in the quaint way in which I have somewhere seen them expressed. I. ...
John 13:1. _Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved...
John 13:1. _Now before the feast of the passover,_ Or, just as it was about to begin, John 13:1. _When Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, havi...
CONTENTS: Last Passover. Jesus washes disciples' feet. Betrayal foretold, also Peter's denial. CHARACTERS: Jesus, God, Judas, disciples, Peter, Satan. CONCLUSION: What was consistent with the dignity...
John 13:1. _Before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come._ What now transpired was on the Tuesday, while at supper in the house of Simon. Judas was now rebuked before all p...
SO JESUS ROSE FROM THE TABLE. No word of explanation! Something is unusual here! This is not some new _rite,_ but a deep spiritual lesson. (1) The disciples expected the immediate creation of the King...
_Now before the feast of the Passover._ A THREE-FOLD MARVEL I. A MARVELLOUS LOVE: that of Christ for His own. Marvellous in respect of 1. Its time. (1) Before the feast of the Passover, when His t...
JOHN 13:1 The Farewell Teaching and the Passion Narrative. The second half of John’s Gospel consists of Jesus’ farewell teaching (chs. John 13:1) and the events surrounding his death and resurrection...
1-38 CHAPTER 13 VER. 1. _Before the Feast of the Passover._ About the thirteenth day of the first month; the Passover, say the Greeks, having to be celebrated by the Law of the Jews on the fourteenth...
_Then He puts water into a bason and begins to wash the feet of his disciples, and wipe them with the towel with which He was girded._ S. Cyprian, Theophylact, and Euthymius note that Christ did all t...
_EXPLANATORY AND CRITICAL NOTES_ John 13:1. BEFORE THE FEAST, ETC.—Jesus came to Jerusalem steadfastly resolved to finish the work given Him to do (Luke 12:50, etc.). These words are not to be connect...
Let's turn to the thirteenth chapter of the gospel according to John. We have come into a new section of the gospel of John, which carries us through chapter 17. And Chapter s 13 through 17 cover a pe...
1 Corinthians 6:11; 1 John 1:7; 1 John 5:6; 1 Samuel 25:41; 1 Timo
A bason [ν ι π τ η ρ α]. Only here in the New Testament. From niptw, to wash....
Into the basin — A large vessel was usually placed for this very purpose, wherever the Jews supped....