He that hath my commandments.

The conditions upon which Christ may be present in each soul, seen and enjoyed, are next shown. As before seen, obedience and love are essential. "Hath" the commandments implies more than. mere possession of them. It implies that they are clearly apprehended. This must be the case before one can be said to "keep" them. This verse gives the same idea as verse 15, but in. converse form. There active obedience is seen to follow as the result of love. Love is the cause, and obedience the effect. Here the effect is placed first and traced back to its cause. The active obedience is. proof of love.

He that loveth me.

Having pointed out the test by which our love for Christ is determined, he shows the blessed consequences that flow from this love. The heart that loves the loving Savior is. heart that is pleasing in the sight of the Son and the Father. It is in sympathy with the great loving heart of the universe and fit for abiding communion with the Son. Hence he declares:

I will manifest myself to him.

He will come, as the Comforter, to make his abiding place in such. heart. There will be such. manifestation that his presence will be revealed. In other words, the loving and beloved disciple will have an abiding sense of. living Christ who will "never leave nor forsake him."

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