The Prince of this world cometh.

Satan, who is regarded as the embodiment and contriver of the sins and iniquities of the earth. At the temptation of Christ he had offered the kingdoms of the world as if they were his own, and at the time the Savior came it must be admitted that these kingdoms were thoroughly loyal to the prince of evil.

Who hath nothing in me.

There was nothing in common whatever between the prince and spirit of the world and Christ, and hence no sympathy whatever. Nor does Satan ever make. capture unless he can find something in. man in common with himself. If he can find. sinful ambition or lust he will seize upon it and make it the means of ruining. soul. Satan, finding in all but Christ, something in common with himself, enforces death as his due, but as Christ was sinless he died voluntarily, and could not be holden by death, hence did not see corruption. Hence, the coming of the prince of this world did not force him to death, but he died.

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