am the way, the truth, and the life.

The Lord only answers his difficulty in part. He points him to the way in which he must walk if he would follow him. He must follow Christ in his life if he would follow him to the Father's house. He is the Way. The words of Christ here are words that could have only been spoken by. divine being. "I am the way," the exemplar, the living embodiment of what is needful to impart immortality. He who follows in his footsteps will tread the sure path. He is the Truth; not merely truth, but the Truth, truth embodied and speaking to men; the key of all truth, and in himself. revelation of all truth needful to lift men to God. And the Life. He is life itself, the living waters, the bread of life, the source from whence the germ of immortal being is imparted to the human soul. Without him there would be no Way revealed; no divine and saving truth, no immortal life.

No man cometh to the Father, but by me.

Not only can no one enter the Father's house without him, but no man can come to the Father on earth so as to enjoy his favor. "There is no other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved." Hence all must cling to him as the way. "By me" is equivalent to "follow in the way that. point out."

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