If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.

After over three years under the ministry of Christ they did not yet know him, except in part. The great truth declared is that the way to study God and know him is to know Christ. The universe may reveal his matchless grandeur, the Old Testament may reveal his moral government, but it is only in Christ that he reveals his surpassing love, tenderness and mercy, his solicitude for the salvation of the race. It is in the Son that he reveals himself as. Father. Until Christ came men did not dare to bow upon their knees and pour out such. prayer as "Our Father who art in heaven," etc.

From henceforth ye know him and have seen him.

From the cross. On the next morning they would see Christ dying. From the sepulcher would burst forth upon their minds. new revelation of the character and mission of the Son whom they had up to this time supposed to be only an earthly, temporal king. Then, comprehending Christ, understanding that he would ascend. heavenly throne, that "all power" would be given into his hands, they would also know that "he was the brightness of the Father's glory and the express image of his person." They would know that in Christ they had beheld the revelation of the Father.

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