Judas, then, having received. band of men.

The multitude, guided by Judas, is described by Mark as "great." It consisted (1) of the band (John 18:3; John 18:12), or Roman cohort, which, consisting of 300 to 600 men, was quartered in the tower of Antonia, overlooking the temple, and ever ready to put down any tumult or arrest any disturber. Probably so much of the band as could be spared was present. (2) There were the captains of the temple (Luke 22:52), with their men, who guarded the temple and kept order. (3) Some of the chief priests and elders (Luke 22:52). (4) And, finally, their servants, such as Malchus. The priests, ignorant of the spirit and purposes of Jesus, expected resistance. The "lanterns and torches" show that they expected that he might hide in the dark shadows of the valleys and crags. Otherwise they would not have been required when there was the full Passover moon.

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