There was. man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus,. ruler of the Jews.

Nicodemus is named three times by John, and not elsewhere; here, in chapter 7:50, where he protests against condemning Jesus unheard, and in chapter 19:39, where he aids Joseph of Arimathæa, in the burial of Jesus. There are untrustworthy traditions about him and an allusion in the Jewish Talmud to. Nicodemus who lived about this time, but it may have been another man. Two facts are here stated: (1) That he was. Pharisee of the powerful, self-righteous sect which laid such stress on ceremonial observances and Jewish birth; and (2) That he was. ruler,. member of the Sanhedrim, the congress of seventy persons who held the chief authority in Israel. The allusion to him in verse 10 as. "teacher in Israel," would imply that he was one of the prominent doctors of the law.

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